Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 5

Today was amazing again. Pics soon to come, but it's late and we have an early morning packing date with the camper. Oh, but you might find it interesting that I have only taken a shower once since arriving at the campground. And even more interesting, Jayme and Chase have not had one at all! (ok, but they've been swimming twice - that should count for something.)


Ok, so here's pics from yesterday....I think that'd be Wednesday. But we're struggling with knowing what day it is around here so I could be wrong. First we went for a 99 cent pancake breakfast at the Ft. Hays Chuck Wagon. The actual film set from Dances with Wolves has been moved here so we took a quick tour.

Jayme eatin' some pancakes at Ft. Hays.

Oh, this is a picture of our campsite.

Jayme and Jod playin' cards in the camper.

Chase used some of his spending money on this nifty wolf slingshot.

And then spent a couple of hours knocking branches off trees.

Later we headed back to Custer State Park and drove the Needle Highway. I stopped on the road and took the above picture. It was a beautiful, albeit white-knuckled type drive.

We passed through 4 extreeeeeemly narrow tunnels.

Just had to pullover for this shot. This was one of those moments that gives me goosebumps and prompts me to pause and worship.

This was the narrowest tunnel...8 feet wide and 9 feet high. No motorhomes up here.

It was a one-laner so there was a line up of cars on both sides. Those of you who know me also know that I am quite claustrophobic. So driving through these tunnels made me somewhat apprehensive, especially realizing that once in the tunnel you couldn't open your car was that tight. Thankfully we have a sunroof so if necessary we could make a quick escape through the roof. (I know...I have weirdnesses.)

The goal was to arrive at Sylvan Lake and do some swimming and rock climbing. We were not disappointed.

The huge rock in the lake was close enough to swim to.

So Jayme and Chase swam out and back. This was another situation that made me a bit apprehensive. Part of that swim was over their heads and I didn't bring my suit so I wasn't going with them. But Chase was begging, and there were lots of people around, so after calculating how long it would take me to put down my camera, kick off my sandals, and go in after them I gave them the go-ahead. Then I prayed them all the way there and back. And they came back with huge smiles on their faces.

Oops, not sure why the same picture is here twice.

Jodie enjoying the view.

Chase was like a monkey on the rocks.

And of course, we had to end with the proverbial kids falling over the cliff shot.

So that sums it up for Day 5. Today, Day 6, was a driving day and what a drive it was. After 8 hours of driving through mountains, construction, and barren land, we are now in Cody, Wyoming and enjoying a night in a hotel. Tomorrow we have a short drive into Yellowstone National Park where we will camp 3 nights. The weather there is down in the 30s at night and the camper furnace doesn't work. We've used a portable electric heater for the past 3 nights, but Yellowstone is a National Park and thus has no electric sites. We may just freeze our heiny's off. All part of the adventure.

Thanks for reading and commenting...and especially for praying for our safety. God is faithful and has blessed us immensely. We are in awe at the beauty of His handiwork in all that we have seen and experienced!


  1. Janice, it has been great keeping up with you through the blog. We are thankful your traveling has been uneventful. Linda

  2. I am anonymous because I don't know how esle to get it to post.

  3. Okay - Mary D just helped me to get the right address so I could follow your blog. Very cool, fabulous pictures, flat Ellen (love it!), quotes of the day and running sarcastic commentary. :) WE MISS YOU GUYS! Glad you are having a fabulous and safe trip. I would say you have "eaten the entire head of the elephant" already! You don't mess around...ot maybe that is what you do best!

  4. WHEW! Couldn't breathe there for a moment after going through those tight tunnels!!


  5. Janette - so glad to see you on here. Thanks for checking up on us! We miss you all too. Hugs to the fam. :-)

    Heidi - I love that I can count on you to leave a comment everyday! Hugs to your fam too!

    Linda - yeah! Glad to hear from you. Am still praying that you'll have NO interruptions. :-)

  6. Wow, I would be scared in those tunnels too! But it's worth it for the awesome views!
