Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 4 Custer State Park

So here's the view of the back of our campsite. That's a lake back there.
Kids having breakfast Tuesday morning.
Cakes on the griddle. Life ain't nothin' but a funny, funny riddle.
Off to Rushmore. This was our first glimpse as we approached in the car.
We stopped at a lookout point and Chase was, of course, wanting to climb all over the place. He was trying to reassure me that there was a ledge there that he could walk on, but it was a huge drop off there and I wouldn't let him go out. If you look close at the bottom left of the picture you can tell. It doesn't do it justice though.
One lane tunnel with a view of Mt. Rushmore just on the other side. Too many cars following or I would have gotten a picture.
View as we're walking in.
There it is in all it's glory. Freaking amazing!

Notice the glasses?
Looks like President Lincoln was having the sniffles.
We can look right up their noses!

Here's the Michigan pillar.

Now we're at Custer State Park on the Wildlife Loop at dusk. Prong-horned deer.
Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam...
This little guy was right next to the road.
These young ones are next to the road too. Mamma was right there too, but I couldn't get a good picture of her.
Big daddy was takin' his sweet time crossing.
This day was packed full to say the least. We finished the Wildlife loop and went straight to The Crazy Horse Memorial to watch the laser light show. I have one picture of that but will have to post it later. We got back to the campsite around 10:30pm, it was like pulling teeth to get the kids to brush theirs...they were so tired they just wanted to fall into bed. This is our last night at Beaver Lake. Tomorrow we leave for Cody, Wyoming where we'll stay one night in a hotel. It's a long drive and I don't want to set up camp late. Plus, in Cody there's a gunfight in the street and also a rodeo that I want to see. Yeehaw!


  1. Love the Mt. Rushmore pics! What an awesome site! It's so fun to "watch" you on this trip.

  2. Chris tried to comment, but doesn't have an account so here are his words..."tell them I am so happy that their truck has not given them problems and it looks like they are having so much fun. I am so happy for them. I wish I was with them."

    So there ya go...from Notary Man himself.

    And now I would like to add that I think the rushmore pictures are incredible and breathtaking and I can't imagine seeing that in person. Thanks for posting such great pics.

  3. Joann - wish we were doing this together! Maybe someday eh?

    Heidi - tell Chris thanks for the thinking of us. I fixed it so he can comment. :-) And I wish you were all with us too. This would be so much fun with the whole neighborhood and then some! Oh my nerves, could you imagine?!!!

  4. Oh and btw, we walked the Presidential Trail that goes along and partially around the monument...just like in National Treasure 2!! Except we couldn't find the secret entrance that led to below where we would find all those treasures. Huh, what's up with that? :-)
