Friday, July 9, 2010

Cody and Yellowstone Continued

Tonight we are in a Super 8 in Salt Lake City, UT. We're heading to Bryce Canyon National Park tomorrow. We're happy to have a soft bed, showers, and tv and internet. I'll try to get the blog caught up, but have way too many pictures to get them all on tonight, so I'll try and start where I left off.

We spent the night in Cody, WY before heading into Yellowstone National Park and went to the Cody 4th of July parade in the morning. It was great to watch the people of Cody and experience how they celebrate our country's independence. Lots of cowboys, horses, and cute kids.

The kids all had their bikes decorated like horses...what a fun idea! I think we should do this in Spring Arbor!

Love this picture of moms and their cowgirls.

These cowboys are the local law enforcement.

Uncle Sam is waaay taller than I imagined.

This little tyke was adorable.

We covered a ton of miles and finally arrived! Did you know that Yellowstone was a volcano that blew it's stack about 150,000,000 years ago. So walking through Yellowstone is actually walking around the inside of a volcano. It's due to blow again, but there's no way of knowing when. So glad we made it out alive!

Old Faithful was quite a sight. We saw it go off twice.

100 years ago Old Faithful reached 150 feet in the air, but now it only hits about 100 feet.
Still, it is a magnificent sight.

There's lots of oozing, sulfery smelling stuff in a variety of colors. (that's my scientific description). My grandpa traveled through Yellowstone with a wagon train when he was 2 years old. His journal that he wrote later in life mentions an accident that happened in Yellowstone when a team of horses pulling a wagon broke loose and ran. They fell into one of these boiling mud holes and they were boiled to death. Bummer.

Spooky looking eh?

Looks like ice and snow, right? But if you touched it you'd boil your skin right off. It really stunk too. The kids described it as rotten eggs. It wasn't something you could handle for very long.

This was one of my favorite pictures.

The punks at one of the geysers.
These pictures are all just at Old Faithful...many more pictures to come!


  1. I love your details and the pictures of the kids in the parade. You SO HAVE to publish this blog into a book after this trip. TOO FABULOUS!

    Praying, loving, missing, reading and laughing :).

  2. Hi you guys. I am glad that you are getting to stay in a motel....soft beds, internet. yeah!

  3. Hi Janette and Linda! So nice to hear from you. How are my flowers looking? I'm missing their prime bloom time. Miss you guys too!

  4. OH I can't wait for Chris to see these. He went to Yellowstone as a kid. I am excited to hear what he says about this and if he saw all this too.

    We stopped and looked at your flowers yesterday, funny that you asked about them. Crisilee went to take a pic for you, dead battery. SOOOO, I'll take one instead, before they start to get droopy!

    Cool parade...glad you got to do some July 4th stuff!
