Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 7: One Week!

Hard to believe we've been gone a week already! It's been crazy fun and crazy busy, so last night we just chilled in the hotel. We have a short drive today to Yellowstone so the kids are upstairs sleeping while I'm in the lobby with my coffee, reading a bit of Thomas Merton and enjoying my last day of wi-fi for awhile. I have one of those internet card thingies, but I'm sure we won't have service at Yellowstone, so I won't be able to update the blog for a few days. We're there for 3 nights and then we drive down to the Tetons where we are staying at Flagg Ranch Campground. We just might have internet there because the private campgrounds often provide it. Technology has even invaded the solitude and serenity of the campground. Oh well, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. See ya in a few days!


  1. I am so glad all is going well for you!

    It has been so fun to keep up with you and all the fun places you've been. Can't wait to see more pics.

  2. Yeah for technology ruining solitude!! (I'm serious..I'd go nuts without all these new fangled do-dads)

    I am glad you are enjoying your hotel, since you will be roughing it for the next few days. Will be missing your posts. I'll be checking every day though, just in case!

  3. Yeah! I love hotel lobbies. Love Thomas Merton (New Seeds?).


  4. hey- can't wait to share your blog with the kids tomorrow-Your pics are awesome. One week! You have packed in a lot.

  5. So glad that things are going so well. Enjoy the hotels while you can...blessings on you, friend! Linda
