Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cody and Yellowstone

Here's a few pictures from Yellowstone. Uploading pics on blogger is painstakingly slow and the punks are restless, so I'll have to post more later. For now, the biggie was seeing Old Faithful. Here she is getting ready to show off her stuff.....

...and here she is at full force. It was an amazing sight to say the least.

Peanutbutter sandwiches for lunch again.

This guy was just sitting in a meadow near our campground.
A friend joined him.
Staying warm at the campsight.

Hey everybody! The kids and I are sitting at The Bunnery, Bakery and Restaurant in Jackson, WY. We've been in Yellowstone and now Grand Tetons for 6 days now and needed some "civilization" for a minute. I can't get any pictures to load here for some reason so I'll just have to give you a brief update and then hope we can get pictures on sometime soon. There's no internet in the National Parks or phone service, so we are definitely out of touch.

We stayed overnight in Cody, Wy in a hotel and relaxed before we went into Yellowstone. In Cody we went to the town's July 4th parade which was fun and I have some neat pics. My days are all a fuzz so whatever day it was, the day after Cody, we went into Yellowstone. Oh my nerves! The sights, the sounds, the experience is one EVERYBODY should make time for. Buffalos were everywhere, like cows in Michigan, except that they are roaming free. There were some large buffalo chips right near our campsight...they looked a bit old....at least that's what I kept telling myself. We went to Old Faithful, walked the South Rim Trail of Yellowstone's Grand Canyon, spotted a couple different herds of elk, saw a bald eagle, and watched a mother grizzly and her two cubs for about 45 minutes one morning. Unbelievable. After trying to take a few pictures with my measly lens, a guy standing near me asked if I'd like to look through his lens which was gi-normous. I said "sure, thanks!" Wow, what a sight. Then he said, "why don't you take out your camera card (he had a Canon also) and I'll put it in my camera and take some shots for you." Oh my nerves!!!!! I was so geeked. Turns out he was a semi-professional and some of his photos are in the galleries at Yellowstone. I was like a little kid I was so excited...and thanked him over and over.

We spent 3 freezing, literally, nights in Yellowstone. National parks don't have electricity at the sights and we had no heat in the camper and temps got down to 32 each night. We wore 3 layers of clothes and did our best to stay wrapped up. Grocery stores are also non-existent so the park general stores are where you get groceries. Talk about highway robbery. Plus, there's not much selection, so we ate ramen noodles, hot dogs, and peanutbutter sandwiches for 4 days. That's why we are in Jackson Hole right now trying to find some decent food.

Well, the punks are getting restless. There's so much more to tell, but I'll have to sign off for now. Thanks for all your prayers. We've covered 2100 miles so far. I am constantly aware of the presence of Jesus and know that we are sheltered beneath His wings. Love to all.


  1. Sounds like an incredible adventure so far. I just got your blog address today so I had to catch up. I went backpacking over the weekend, and I think it might be a good place to get a family started if you're still interested...


  2. YEAH! SO happy to hear from you again! I can't believe all the stuff you are seeing and doing. AMAZING. And YEAH on the cool camera dude taking some awesome cool pictures for you!

    Can't wait to read more! Take care and stay warm...can't believe I'm writing THAT as today it was nearing 100 degrees. We are BOILING here. (but it's great!)

  3. Hi friends, sorry about the cold. I prayed for you this morning as I was weeding the garden (specifically the squash - it is growing great!) at 5:30 am. Your house is fine, and your flowers are all great. We even set out the trash yesterday (Micki). Praying for you lots over these next few days - Janice I LOVED the picture you pulled over to take (and worship) - WOW! GOD is amazing.

    Praying Lamentations 3:22-26 over you this week.

    "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
    They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

    I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him."
    The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;
    it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. "

  4. Hey! we are loving the pictures and posts. Chase- Kyle wants to know if the badlands are really the Jundland Wastes!?!?! I don't really know what that means, but he says your inner star wars geek will!
    Janice- what a blast- I am SO jealous of the wildlife ( OK- not your kids, the ANIMALS! ) Your family is having those great moments together you will never forget. The next time youre shiverin' remember it's colossally hot here in Michigan.
    We love you all and are praying for you - I know you know it ! I want to keep remindin' you - you HAVE to come home eventually:)

  5. Thanks all for your comments and prayers. Lisa - tell Kyle Chase knew exactly what he was talking about and he says, "kind of". :-)

    Janette - thanks for the scripture! glad to know the squash is coming up. we'll have to help lots when we get home!

    Em - let's keep that in mind!

    Heidi - so glad we're not there for the 100s!!! yuck!!

  6. YEAH!!! PICTURES! Old Faithful is awesome!!! Thinking of you!

  7. Janice, what great stories and pictures. I have been praying that all continues to go smoothly for you. How is the camping going? Are you getting tired of putting up the camper and taking it down? or is it ok? Love your family! Blessings!

  8. Linda - we are getting to be true professional at putting up and taking down the camp. Kids are really enjoying it. In fact, we only have 3 more camping nights and the rest of the trip is staying with friends. The kids are bummed that the camping part is almost over.
