Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jayme's pics

On our third day we traveled through the badlands. It was so awesome. We got to climb around on some of the rocks.

The badlands were beautiful! But they were also hot.
On the second day on the way to Mitchell we saw tons of huge windmills.
The windmills were everywhere.
(Janice's interjection: This was the Adair Wind Energy project in Adair, Iowa. It was quite impressive to see how they are harnessing the wind for energy. These folks are going green and we're not just talkin' crops.)


  1. I love wind-farms! They are too cool!
    Those pictures of the Badlands look fake - like postcards or a screensaver or something - truly amazing!

  2. I feel like I am in your truck with you! Cool pics! Beautiful badlands!! Thanks for posting! Checking all the time...very anxious for your next post.

  3. Whoa, how cool! I want a windmill! Think my neighbors would go for it?
