Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 1 Conquered

The Crew and our future home for a few weeks.

The whole point of today's journey was to put some significant miles behind us. Mission accomplished. We're among the beautiful rolling hills of Iowa, surrounded by cornfields in the middle of nowhere. The last 2 hours of the drive all I could think about was River City, and Professor Harold Hill, and his boys band scam, and Marian...madam libraaaaaaar.....ian. I swear I think I saw him walk out from among the rows of corn with a marching band behind him.

Anyhoo, we made it thus far and are looking forward to rising early, grabbing some grub at the free continental breakfast (you didn't think we'd be setting up that camper just for one night stay did ya? Jim and Glady didn't raise no dummy...we're hotelin' it tonight...and tomorrow night for that matter) and off to "Little Town on the Prairie" in South Dakota where we will tour the Laura Ingalls Wilder homestead and museum. This was Jayme's request and I am excited about seeing and experiencing life on the prairie just like Ma, Pa, Mary, Laura, and Grace.

After that we'll head on over to Mitchell where there's a museum with life-sized statues of Lewis and Clark along with many other facts, maps, artifacts, etc. This was Chase's request because he is named Chase Lewis after Meriwether Lewis who is somehow a distant relative of my great-grandmother who's maiden name was Lewis. Cool eh? (Oh, and of course, we'll visit the world-renowned Corn Palace.)

Other important notes for today:
We have spotted 27 different state license plates thus far and are shooting for all 50. Think we'll find Hawaii? Ya never know. We've also started a "Quote of the Day" journal and there are two quotes entered.
* First Chase, who after sitting quietly in the backseat for many miles, suddenly blurted out, "Someday I'm going to have a sheep and I'm going to name her Baaaaaaaaarbra."
* The second is from Jayme, who upon listening to some random conversation in our room tonight remarked, "I wash my hands of this weirdness", which some of you Pirate's of the Caribbean fans may recognize. (DeBackers!)

That's it for now. Somewhere a dog barks.....(I wonder if it's Natty).


  1. Keep a weathered eye on the horizon...

  2. Oh, my nerves, Chase's random comment made me laugh out loud. As usual. And, yes, the dog that barked was Natty, telling you she's fine and not to worry. <3

  3. Post pictures!! Truck and camper; kids in the truck; meals; anything!

  4. Love reading your blog! Glad that you are safely on your way - the quotes of the day are a great idea! I feel like I'm tagging along on your trip! Praying for you. Take care, friend!

  5. Yeah, day one done! Praying for your Sunday drive today. I want to know how Chase pronounces "Sacagawea". We learned that it was a hard "g", but who knows. Following your trip with great interest!!

  6. Miss you! Love the quote of the day!!!

  7. Hi Chilis from Cryder-cousin Molly! Your trip sounds like a blast! I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm glad you're going to see the Ingalls stuff - I was a HUGE fan of those books when I was little!

  8. Oh hi to Cryder-cousin Molly! Thanks for following. The Ingalls place was really cool, you would love it. We think it'd be fun to do a whole trip visiting all the places Laura lived. Maybe someday!
