Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 2: Little Town on the Prairie, The Laura Ingall's Wilder Homestead

Today we drove 6 hours and arrived at the Ingall's Homestead around 2:00pm. We spent 2 hours there. It was totally amazing to me, standing there on the 160 acres that the Ingall's family actually lived and farmed over 200 years ago. The buildings were not the originals of the Ingall's family, but they were original buildings from the area that resembled what the Ingall's family lived in over the years that Laura was growing up.

Laura Ingalls Wilder
Jayme is her biggest fan.

This is a view of the farm with a shanty type house on the left which is a replica of what the Ingall's family lived in while farming here.
Jodie was most interested in the farm kittens.
Here's the house. Looks similar to the one in the Little House on the Prairie series.
Chase is learning how to operate the wood stove.
Jayme washes clothes on a washboard.
Chase wrings them out.
There were a few new foals.

Chase is learning to make rope.
This is Mallory, a college student who works here. She drove us in a wagon around the property.
This was an actual school from the area that was in operation as a
one-room school house until 1961.
Jayme puts on her prairie girl dress. Doesn't she look excited about it?
The kids are getting a lesson.
Time to return to the wagon.
The team.
This is an actual dug-out house, or sod-house. It was dreary and extremely small. Can't imagine living in it.

It was a great afternoon. We left there and ate supper at a local restaurant called The Oxbow. Then we drove 2 hours to Mitchell, SD where we are now...and get this....we're watching Field of Dreams. Very appropriate after driving through cornfields all day.


  1. OH my word I LOVE all the pictures! What a BLAST! The foal is AWESOME! What a great day that must have been!
    Was checking the blog all day yesterday, VERY excited when I got on here this morning and saw you had posted! Can't wait to see what else you do!

  2. Heidi - you rise early even in the summer! It's 6a.m. here in SD and I'm sitting in the lobby of the hotel with a cup of coffee and 2 ibuprofen hoping to knock out a headache. I was sharing a bed with Chase, but it felt more like I was in some sort of war zone. With all the kicking and flailing he was doing I think he must have been dreaming he was Mel Gibson's character in the Patriot (probably shouldn't have let him watch that in the car). At one point he even karate chopped me in the neck!

    Thanks for following the blog. I love reading your comments...makes me feel like I'm home. :-)

  3. Natty's fine! :-)

    Love the pics!! That will be a highlight for Jayme her whole life!

  4. That is AWESOME!!!!!! The foals and kittens are so cool! I am putting this place on my list of vacations I want to go on. Miss you so much!!

  5. Hey, friend! Thanks for sharing your trip... how fun to be able to follow along! Love the pictures and stories about the kids. Will be praying for safety, strength and a whole lot of fun! We take off Thursday (July 1) at 3:00 pm and will be home July 13th around 10 pm. Can't wait to see you!

  6. Oh wow, what memories!!! And might I suggest a roll-away for Chase? haha

  7. picturing Chase karate chopping you....

  8. Awww, the foal is so sweet! I love seeing how people used to live - those pioneers were way braver than me, that's for sure, haha!
